on December 7, 2015

Robert Blake Whitehill, Author, The Ben Blackshaw Series
Heartbreaking story with joyful ending, January 19, 2013
This is moving tale that will rip your heart in half and then stitch it back up. Told from the perspective of Dinky, a little foal that was ripped away from his mother, the story opens the reader's eyes to the pain, fear, and heartbreak that many horses face in the cruel world of animal marketing. With her care and humane spirit, Marta Moran-Bishop has tackled an important issue that needs to be heard. Compassion, awareness and education are vital in the fight of putting an end to animal cruelty, and I believe every single child (and adult) should read this book.
Horse Lovers Beware: Dinky will steal your heart!, January 21, 2013
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Paperback)
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal is a book to delight horse lovers of all ages. The horrors of the cruel treatment suffered by many brood mares who give birth only to have their new foal taken from them so that they can nurse another more important foal, is offset by the compassionate treatment of the subject and the wonderful story-telling ability of the author. Told from the point of view of a very young foal, Dinky sets the stage with comments like, "I stood there looking at her with my cutest little boy expression,..."; and humorous ones like, "I realized I'd gotten my wish to stay out in the sun longer. I truly needed to be more specific, I thought..."; to horse communication statements such as "Humans seem pretty stupid, Dinky. We can learn their language, but I have yet to meet one that understands horse." Fortunately, Dinky discovered that there are a few who can understand "horse" when he was adopted by author Marta and her husband Ken, and he meets his new brother and sister, fellow horses Chrome and Connella. Connella tells him, "Marta and Ken will take care of us and feed us. They teach us how to be part of their world, and we show them how to be horses." The loving relationship between Marta and her horses is evident throughout the story. Dinky tells us, "I knew she was my human, so I wrapped my head around her, the way we horses hug a human." Having spent my own adolescent years as a horse fanatic, I can really relate to that horse hug!!! This book would have been one of my favorites then, and it is definitely one of my favorites now...
Why this book is a five-star, July 9, 2013
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Paperback)
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal is an unusual book. The story is simple, and the language plain. No car chases, no explosions, no wizards, no serial killers. It's a story of survival told with love and compassion. What makes it exceptional is that it pulls the reader into an unsuspected world of loss and survival underneath our love of horses as we see them in westerns and on TV, and at the races. It's told by a writer who understands and loves horses, and who can pull off telling the story of another species through the eyes of a discarded foal. I never knew people did that to horses -- take a mother mare away from her foal to give her milk to a thoroughbred.
There's a strong sense of place in Dinky's story, too. That's what a good book does -- it takes you there. I like it that children and adults feel compassion when we see or read stories about loss and suffering, like Disney's Bambi. That feeling enlarges the soul. It's good for people of all ages to feel for animals. We're the better for it. You'll come away from Dinky feeling good. Disney should option this one. Highly recommended.
There's a strong sense of place in Dinky's story, too. That's what a good book does -- it takes you there. I like it that children and adults feel compassion when we see or read stories about loss and suffering, like Disney's Bambi. That feeling enlarges the soul. It's good for people of all ages to feel for animals. We're the better for it. You'll come away from Dinky feeling good. Disney should option this one. Highly recommended.
Dinky, June 5, 2013
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Kindle Edition)
I enjoyed this book from start to finish. Even though there were dark spots you knew all along things were going to get better. This would be a great book to read to your kids and I think most anyone would enjoy it. I love the way it is written from the horses view. I always did imagine what my animals were saying. LOL You can see the love between Marta and the pony from the beginning! This book is full of hope. It is great to read about a positive experience. We tend to hear the horror stories but do not get to hear about the victories and positive experiences there are. It really takes a lot of love to help these animals. Thank God Marta is one of those special people who has been able to do this.
Dinky stole a part of my soul!, March 29, 2014
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Paperback)
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal by Marta Moran Bishop is a fascinating story about a small unfortunate foal which was taken away from his mother in the first hours of his birth. In her book, talented Marta Moran Bishop tells the real story of her life through the eyes of a little unfortunate animal.
Dinky's story reminds me of slavery. How can people be so cruel to animals? How can one take a small helpless child from his mother and condemn it to miserable existence or death for financial gain?
Sufferings of a little unfortunate foal affected all corners of my soul and turned it upside down. It kept my emotions high. I read this book, full of compassion and empathy to the little foal. In some places it was impossible to hold back the tears, especially when Dinky recalled his mother and begged to shelter him.
I wanted to yell, "I'm Dinky. I know if I'm loved, I'll be sweet and smart."
It was hard to remember my mother now. She was just a dream in my head. Maybe she didn't honestly tell me those things. Perhaps, it was as Lucky always said - wishful thinking. Her voice and smell were so hazy now. Would someone want me, as they wanted Lucky and Kaylee? "Please, let someone want me," I whispered.
Thoughts and emotions of Dinky, described by Marta's words are amazing in their simplicity and originality. I am absolutely sure that if Dinky could speak he would not have said it better than Marta. Reading Dinky, I understood that Marta is very unusual and extraordinary woman who like no other can understand the thoughts and feelings of horses. Moreover, she can speak horse!
After going through all the torments of hell, miserable little Dinky finally finds his home and family in the faces of Marta, Ken, Chrome and Connella. Dinky, Chrome and Connella created their own small herd.
The book impressed me not only by the plot, but by bright and soulful descriptions of episodes.
"Falling asleep, I dreamed of my mother and again heard her words, "Dinky, you are smart. You are beautiful. You will grow big and strong. Someday you might be white like me when you grow up."
In my dream I told her all about my new life. I told her all about my new life. I told her of the trials and sorrows, the hunger and fear of the first months, and how much I had missed her and hoped to one day see her again. I told her of Lucky and that without him I might not have made it. And I told her of Chrome, Connella, Ken, Marta, and our home. We talked about my birthday party, the fun I had, and what Uncle Kris had said to Marta and Ken earlier. I told her I was learning the ways of my herd and had a forever family who loved me and nuzzled me when I needed it. We talked about the different bugs, the snow, the birds, the sweetness of the grass, and the feel of the wind in my mane. "Mama, I will grow up gentle as Chrome, yet strong and sure too." But most of all, we talked of how I survived the pain we both felt when we were separated so long ago, and how happy I now was. "Mama, the fear and pain grow dimmer each day, and all humans aren't like the wicked men that separated us. Oh, Mama, some humans can even learn to speak horse."
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal by Marta Moran Bishop stole a part of my soul. It is suitable for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book!
Dinky's story reminds me of slavery. How can people be so cruel to animals? How can one take a small helpless child from his mother and condemn it to miserable existence or death for financial gain?
Sufferings of a little unfortunate foal affected all corners of my soul and turned it upside down. It kept my emotions high. I read this book, full of compassion and empathy to the little foal. In some places it was impossible to hold back the tears, especially when Dinky recalled his mother and begged to shelter him.
I wanted to yell, "I'm Dinky. I know if I'm loved, I'll be sweet and smart."
It was hard to remember my mother now. She was just a dream in my head. Maybe she didn't honestly tell me those things. Perhaps, it was as Lucky always said - wishful thinking. Her voice and smell were so hazy now. Would someone want me, as they wanted Lucky and Kaylee? "Please, let someone want me," I whispered.
Thoughts and emotions of Dinky, described by Marta's words are amazing in their simplicity and originality. I am absolutely sure that if Dinky could speak he would not have said it better than Marta. Reading Dinky, I understood that Marta is very unusual and extraordinary woman who like no other can understand the thoughts and feelings of horses. Moreover, she can speak horse!
After going through all the torments of hell, miserable little Dinky finally finds his home and family in the faces of Marta, Ken, Chrome and Connella. Dinky, Chrome and Connella created their own small herd.
The book impressed me not only by the plot, but by bright and soulful descriptions of episodes.
"Falling asleep, I dreamed of my mother and again heard her words, "Dinky, you are smart. You are beautiful. You will grow big and strong. Someday you might be white like me when you grow up."
In my dream I told her all about my new life. I told her all about my new life. I told her of the trials and sorrows, the hunger and fear of the first months, and how much I had missed her and hoped to one day see her again. I told her of Lucky and that without him I might not have made it. And I told her of Chrome, Connella, Ken, Marta, and our home. We talked about my birthday party, the fun I had, and what Uncle Kris had said to Marta and Ken earlier. I told her I was learning the ways of my herd and had a forever family who loved me and nuzzled me when I needed it. We talked about the different bugs, the snow, the birds, the sweetness of the grass, and the feel of the wind in my mane. "Mama, I will grow up gentle as Chrome, yet strong and sure too." But most of all, we talked of how I survived the pain we both felt when we were separated so long ago, and how happy I now was. "Mama, the fear and pain grow dimmer each day, and all humans aren't like the wicked men that separated us. Oh, Mama, some humans can even learn to speak horse."
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal by Marta Moran Bishop stole a part of my soul. It is suitable for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book!
on February 19, 2013
Told in the honest spirit of sharing, DINKY THE NURSE MARE'S FOAL is a glimpse into a hidden side in the life of a beautiful creature. Through Dinky a precious emotional story emerges; one that left this reader laughing and crying. Most of all, it opened my eyes to an alarming practice in the business of horses.I am embarrassed to say, I had never thought about what happened to the nurse mare's babies,and was naive enough to assume rescue stables and similar facilities were staffed and ran by well trained and educated people.
On one hand, Dinky's story exposes the cruel reality of suffering imposed upon the helpless by a rich industry. On the other hand, it is a beautiful story about adoption, and adaption, as Dinky learns to find his place within his new horse family and of course, his people family. Dinky's journey reminds me of my family's experience with two adopted children. There are precious beautiful moments, yet there are times when the memories of the past cannot be subdued and a perfect storm erupts. In my opinion, Dinky's life is as much an accurate portrayal of adoption as it is about abuse, but more significantly it is about overcoming the odds.
On one hand, Dinky's story exposes the cruel reality of suffering imposed upon the helpless by a rich industry. On the other hand, it is a beautiful story about adoption, and adaption, as Dinky learns to find his place within his new horse family and of course, his people family. Dinky's journey reminds me of my family's experience with two adopted children. There are precious beautiful moments, yet there are times when the memories of the past cannot be subdued and a perfect storm erupts. In my opinion, Dinky's life is as much an accurate portrayal of adoption as it is about abuse, but more significantly it is about overcoming the odds.
This is a touching book for all ages. Please, do not miss it!
Very simply written with a profound effect., September 8, 2013
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Kindle Edition)
Written from the nurse mare foals point of view truly captures the loss and fear that is evident in this harsh practice.
Educational, Highlights Need for Humane Treatment of Horses, January 13, 2013
This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Kindle Edition)
Marta Moran Bishop has written a delightful story of the first year in the life of a nurse mare's foal. Dinky, the foal, tells his own story of being torn from his mother and moved from one stable to another without understanding why he's treated so unkindly. His grief, confusion, and physical hunger inspire empathy in the reader for his predicament. Dinky helped me to understand what horrors a "junk foal" faces in trying to survive a human market and made me aware of the need for more humane treatment for these precious animals. Fortunately for Dinky, his story has a happy ending. I highly recommend it for children, young adults, and adults.
by Franki deMerle
by Franki deMerle
A Poignant Book For All Ages, February 21, 2013
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This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Paperback)
Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal is a memoir told from the first person's POV (point of view). What makes this memoir unlike any other is that the first person (narrator) is Dinky, a foal whose life begins as a seemingly insurmountable struggle. He survives mistreatment and continued disappointments during his early life.
He longs for the time he spent with his mother who adored him. But he was so young when he was taken from her, that he was confused and lonely. Additionally he hadn't learned all the lessons of life that would help him in the coming years. However, in their short time together mom infused her love into Dinky's heart and mind while reassuring him that he was smarter than most horses and would grow up to be strong. Dinky's strength would be tested throughout his young life particularly in the areas of learning the ways of a herd and to be able to trust people again.
Luckily for Dinky, a delightful couple named Ken and Marta recognized his beauty..inside and out, adopted him and taught him what it felt like to be nurtured and loved. As Dinky stated, "They even learned how to speak horse." Dinky is both a story of loss as well as a lesson on the power of love to heal.
It is rare that an author can write in the first person and make it feel totally authentic. Author Marta Moran Bishop masters this task brilliantly. A reader of any age who loves and respects animals of all kinds will be deeply touched by this book.
He longs for the time he spent with his mother who adored him. But he was so young when he was taken from her, that he was confused and lonely. Additionally he hadn't learned all the lessons of life that would help him in the coming years. However, in their short time together mom infused her love into Dinky's heart and mind while reassuring him that he was smarter than most horses and would grow up to be strong. Dinky's strength would be tested throughout his young life particularly in the areas of learning the ways of a herd and to be able to trust people again.
Luckily for Dinky, a delightful couple named Ken and Marta recognized his beauty..inside and out, adopted him and taught him what it felt like to be nurtured and loved. As Dinky stated, "They even learned how to speak horse." Dinky is both a story of loss as well as a lesson on the power of love to heal.
It is rare that an author can write in the first person and make it feel totally authentic. Author Marta Moran Bishop masters this task brilliantly. A reader of any age who loves and respects animals of all kinds will be deeply touched by this book.
An eye opener!, August 21, 2013
This review is from: Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal (Kindle Edition)
The story of "Dinky: The Nurse Mare's Foal" is a touching, heartwarming yet sad tale. Narrated by Dinky himself, the story begins just after his birth, when he was shaky and new, barely able to stand. He had his mother by his side, full of advice, love and nourishment. But the tragedy of their situation meant Dinky was unable to stay with his mother more than a day or so, destined to a life of uncertainty, never knowing if he would gain a family or end up at the meat markets.
When Dinky was taken by horse trailer to another farm, jammed in with other horses, he was frightened. He didn't understand why he had been taken from his mother, didn't understand what the two men who were in charge of them were doing. They were unkind, after all this was just a job to them, and with no compassion for the young foal he was scared and lonely. Arrival at the farm put him in with another young horse, Lucky who, though a little older than Dinky became his friend.
The stories Dinky heard from the other horses and Lucky were bleak ones; the tannery, the meat markets - or kind humans who would love him and make him part of the family. Which would Dinky be destined to arrive at? Would he end up as someone's new handbag; would he be someone's supper? Or would he be loved, let grow to a big, strong and handsome horse, with a good future?
What a delightful but extremely eye opening story, with the practice of foals being bred for the one and only purpose of allowing their mothers to produce milk, which in turn would feed foals from better class mares; a practice which is cruel, heartbreaking and sad. I recommend this book for all.
When Dinky was taken by horse trailer to another farm, jammed in with other horses, he was frightened. He didn't understand why he had been taken from his mother, didn't understand what the two men who were in charge of them were doing. They were unkind, after all this was just a job to them, and with no compassion for the young foal he was scared and lonely. Arrival at the farm put him in with another young horse, Lucky who, though a little older than Dinky became his friend.
The stories Dinky heard from the other horses and Lucky were bleak ones; the tannery, the meat markets - or kind humans who would love him and make him part of the family. Which would Dinky be destined to arrive at? Would he end up as someone's new handbag; would he be someone's supper? Or would he be loved, let grow to a big, strong and handsome horse, with a good future?
What a delightful but extremely eye opening story, with the practice of foals being bred for the one and only purpose of allowing their mothers to produce milk, which in turn would feed foals from better class mares; a practice which is cruel, heartbreaking and sad. I recommend this book for all.